Saturday, September 19, 2009

ŠE dodatna objava Mejak na spletu

Sliak 3: letalo

Reuters admitted that one of its photographers, used software to distort images of smoke comming from buildings in order to create the effect of more smoke and damage.The latest image to face doubts is a photograph of an Israeli F-16 fighter jet over the skies of Lebanon. Experts belive that the missiles are simpli copied into the picture.

Slika 4: Nesi - Rok Mejak

A famous example of a faked image by altering the context is the "Surgeon's Photo" taken in 1934 by Robert Wilson who claimed it was a photograph of the Loch Ness Monster. The image fooled many experts until an accomplice confessed in 1994 that the monster was nothing more than a toy submarine with the model of a serpent head attached.

Slika 5: Luna

Today Rok Mejak, altering the content of an image does not require dark room tricks but merely a PC with image editing software. Desktop software is readily available and easy to use, allowing anyone to quickly and creatively alter images. The easiest approach is to simply cut a section from one image and pasted it into another image. The software on the market today is so easy to use that that pre-school children have little difficulty creating impressive altered images.

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